In the first instance, abstracts of up to 600 words are invited for peer review; these will form the basis for acceptance of the paper for presentation. The abstract should therefore clearly state the objective of the presentation, the findings and their significance to the proceedings, and how they help advance our knowledge of outdoor adventure. Please submit your abstract highlighting the particular SDG (or more than one) which your work addresses. It should also include: title, keywords, introduction, method, findings/discussion and conclusion.
Exciting and inspiring conference posters are also requested from postgraduate students.
Please note: all abstracts should be submitted to [email protected] using the template provided.
The extended deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30th November 2018.
Note: All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference book of abstracts, and will be available on the conference web page. There is also the possibility for some papers to be considered for post-conference publication in a suitable format.
Further Information
If you would like to learn more regarding abstract submission, please contact Jelena Farkic (ATRA) at [email protected]
Download CallForAbstracts