With a new route being proposed by the Long Distance Walkers Association thinks are really progressing with the North Highland Way. With less off-road walking and Scottish Cycling now involved we are well on the way to being a multi-use route as agreed with the Highland Council all those years ago. Paid up Friends of the North Highland Way will be able to access this potential new route and walk and cycle an even wilder and more spectacular route based on geological principles. A Friend is defined as “anyone who has paid cash into the North Highland Way project, or provided a benefit for its development”. So mountain bikers, horse riders and walkers will have more options.
Even Spain has come on line and we are getting a number of enquiries from the Camino de Santiago website, where Friends of the North Highland Way has a forum. Our passport to the North Highland Way is proving very popular, and the promoter of the North Highland Way was also nominated for the first ever Scottish Walking Awards.
In addition, we have been working with Green Destinations again and revamped our whole approach. We now operate the Good Travel Seal in Northern Ireland and Scotland, and details will be uploaded to the website shortly. The Highland Council have expressed an interest in becoming a Green Destination which will be a great boost to the initiative.